path: root/pkg/R
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authorJohannes Ranke <>2015-10-15 14:41:26 +0200
committerJohannes Ranke <>2015-10-15 21:12:08 +0200
commit6b4e342b240baaf18150360986d15895fc80a937 (patch)
treeb9664e0970280bbebb8e3fc13b59f3920c86d4e5 /pkg/R
parentc43b4947007b3c26bc56260499af51c41b8cd702 (diff)
Add endpoint and GUS functions, roxygenize
Diffstat (limited to 'pkg/R')
2 files changed, 176 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pkg/R/GUS.R b/pkg/R/GUS.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2690f50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/R/GUS.R
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#' Groundwater ubiquity score based on Gustafson (1989)
+#' The groundwater ubiquity score GUS is calculated according to
+#' the following equation
+#' \deqn{GUS = \log_10 DT50_{soil} (4 - \log_10 K_{oc}}{GUS = log10 DT50soil * (4 - log10 Koc)}
+#' @references Gustafson, David I. (1989) Groundwater ubiquity score: a simple
+#' method for assessing pesticide leachability. _Environmental
+#' toxicology and chemistry_ *8*(4) 339–57.
+#' @inheritParams endpoint
+#' @param chent If a chent is given with appropriate information present in its
+#' chyaml field, this information is used, with defaults specified below.
+#' @param DT50 Half-life of the chemical in soil. Should be a field
+#' half-life according to Gustafson (1989). However, leaching to the sub-soil
+#' can not completely be excluded in field dissipation experiments and Gustafson
+#' did not refer to any normalisation procedure, but says the field study should
+#' be conducted under use conditions.
+#' @param Koc The sorption constant normalised to organic carbon. Gustafson
+#' does not mention the nonlinearity of the sorption constant commonly
+#' found and usually described by Freundlich sorption, therefore it is
+#' unclear at which reference concentration the Koc should be observed
+#' (and if the reference concentration would be in soil or in porewater).
+#' @param lab_field Should laboratory or field half-lives be used? This
+#' defaults to lab in this implementation, in order to avoid
+#' double-accounting for mobility. If comparability with the original GUS
+#' values given by Gustafson (1989) is desired, non-normalised first-order
+#' field half-lives obtained under actual use conditions should be used.
+#' @param degradation_value Which of the available degradation values should
+#' be used?
+#' @param sorption_value Which of the available sorption values should be used?
+#' Defaults to Kfoc as this is what is generally available from the European
+#' pesticide peer review process. These values generally use a reference
+#' concentration of 1 mg/L in porewater, that means they would be expected to
+#' be Koc values at a concentration of 1 mg/L in the water phase.
+#' @param degradation_aggregator Function for aggregating half-lives
+#' @param sorption_aggregator Function for aggregation Koc values
+#' @return A list with the DT50 and Koc used as well as the resulting score
+#' of class GUS_result
+#' @author Johannes Ranke
+#' @export
+GUS <- function(...) UseMethod("GUS")
+#' @rdname GUS
+#' @export
+GUS.numeric <- function(DT50, Koc) {
+ score <- log10(DT50) * (4 - log10(Koc))
+ res <- list(DT50 = DT50, Koc = Koc, score = score)
+ class(res) <- "GUS_result"
+ return(res)
+#' @rdname GUS
+#' @export
+GUS.chent <- function(chent, lab_field = "laboratory",
+ aerobic = TRUE,
+ degradation_value = "DT50ref",
+ sorption_value = "Kfoc",
+ degradation_aggregator = geomean,
+ sorption_aggregator = geomean,
+ digits = 1)
+ DT50 = soil_DT50(chent, lab_field = lab_field, redox = aerobic,
+ value = degradation_value,
+ aggregator = degradation_aggregator, signif = 5)
+ Koc = soil_Kfoc(chent, value = sorption_value,
+ aggregator = sorption_aggregator, signif = 5)
+ GUS.numeric(DT50, Koc)
+#' @export
+print.GUS_result = function(x, ..., digits = 1) {
+ cat("GUS: ", round(x$score, digits = 1), "\n")
+ cat("calculated from DT50 ", x$DT50, " and Koc ", x$Koc, "\n")
diff --git a/pkg/R/endpoint.R b/pkg/R/endpoint.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9b9102
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/R/endpoint.R
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#' Retrieve endpoint information from the chyaml field of a chent object
+#' R6 class objects of class \code{\link{chent}} represent chemical entities
+#' and can hold a list of information loaded from a chemical yaml file in their
+#' chyaml field. Such information is extracted and optionally aggregated by
+#' this function.
+#' @import chents
+#' @export
+#' @param chent The \code{\link{chent}} object to get the information from
+#' @param medium The medium for which information is sought
+#' @param type The information type
+#' @param lab_field If not NA, do we want laboratory or field endpoints
+#' @param redox If not NA, are we looking for aerobic or anaerobic data
+#' @param value The name of the value we want. The list given in the
+#' usage section is not exclusive
+#' @param aggregator The aggregator function. Can be mean,
+#' \code{\link{geomean}}, or identity, for example.
+#' @param signif How many significant digits do we want
+#' @return The result from applying the aggregator function to
+#' the values converted to a numeric vector, rounded to the
+#' given number of significant digits, or, if raw = TRUE,
+#' the values as a character value, retaining any implicit
+#' information on precision that may be present.
+endpoint <- function(chent,
+ medium = "soil",
+ type = c("degradation", "sorption"),
+ lab_field = c(NA, "laboratory", "field"),
+ redox = c(NA, "aerobic", "anaerobic"),
+ value = c("DT50ref", "Kfoc", "N"),
+ aggregator = geomean,
+ raw = FALSE,
+ signif = 3)
+ ep_list <- chent$chyaml[[medium]][[type]]
+ if (![1])) {
+ ep_list <- ep_list[[lab_field]]
+ }
+ if (![1])) {
+ ep_list <- ep_list[[redox]]
+ }
+ values <- ep_list$data[[value]]
+ if (raw) return(values)
+ else return(signif(aggregator(as.numeric(values)), signif))
+#' Obtain soil DT50
+#' @inheritParams endpoint
+#' @export
+soil_DT50 <- function(chent, aggregator = geomean, signif = 3,
+ lab_field = "laboratory", value = "DT50ref",
+ redox = "aerobic", raw = FALSE) {
+ ep <- endpoint(chent, medium = "soil", type = "degradation",
+ lab_field = "laboratory", redox = redox,
+ value = value, aggregator = aggregator, raw = raw)
+ return(ep)
+#' Obtain soil Kfoc
+#' @inheritParams endpoint
+#' @export
+soil_Kfoc <- function(chent, aggregator = geomean, signif = 3,
+ value = "Kfoc", raw = FALSE) {
+ ep <- endpoint(chent, medium = "soil", type = "sorption",
+ value = value, aggregator = aggregator, raw = raw)
+ return(ep)
+#' Obtain soil Freundlich exponent
+#' In pesticide fate modelling, this exponent is often called 1/n. Here, in
+#' order to facilitate dealing with such data in R, it is called N.
+#' @inheritParams endpoint
+#' @export
+soil_N <- function(chent, aggregator = mean, signif = 3, raw = FALSE) {
+ ep <- endpoint(chent, medium = "soil", type = "sorption",
+ value = "N", aggregator = aggregator, raw = raw)
+ return(ep)
+#' Obtain soil sorption data
+#' @inheritParams endpoint
+#' @param values The values to be returned
+#' @param aggregators A named vector of aggregator functions to be used
+#' @export
+soil_sorption <- function(chent, values = c("Kfoc", "N"),
+ aggregators = c(Kfoc = geomean, Koc = geomean, N = mean),
+ signif = rep(3, length(values)),
+ raw = FALSE) {
+ res <- sapply(values,
+ function(x) {
+ endpoint(chent, medium = "soil", type = "sorption",
+ value = x, aggregator = aggregators[[x]], raw = raw)
+ }
+ )
+ return(res)

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