path: root/tests
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authorJohannes Ranke <>2017-01-29 16:58:53 +0100
committerJohannes Ranke <>2017-01-29 18:52:24 +0100
commita6c13f70f6c6669a8088827a602ac475fdf9b624 (patch)
treee3bcc3e9ff9e006f3e9d87a1df226752fa4753cc /tests
parentc22143d8ec53026cb1e439bdbba1d725a11b4b0c (diff)
Setting up PELMO runs, execution and evaluation
It all works!
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_PELMO.R b/tests/testthat/test_PELMO.R
index 7b7e2b6..ab0e37a 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test_PELMO.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test_PELMO.R
@@ -17,40 +17,33 @@ runs <- list(
pot = c("Cha", "Ham")),
psm = "Pesticide_D_1_May_every_other_year_mets",
- mai = c("Cha")))
+ win = names(FOCUS_GW_scenarios_2012$names)))
test_that("PELMO paths are correctly created", {
psm_paths = c(
PELMO_path(runs[[1]]$psm, "fbe", "Por"),
PELMO_path(runs[[2]]$psm, "pot", "Ham"),
- PELMO_path(runs[[3]]$psm, "mai", "Cha"))
+ PELMO_path(runs[[3]]$psm, "win", "Cha"))
- # Check for psm files and put them into PELMO_base
- psm_new_locations <- character(0)
for (i in seq_along(psm_paths)) {
psm_file <- file.path(test_dir, psm_paths[i], paste0(runs[[i]]$psm, ".psm"))
psm_new_location <- file.path(PELMO_base, basename(psm_file))
- psm_new_locations[i] <- psm_new_location
- file.copy(psm_file, psm_new_location)
+ file.copy(psm_file, psm_new_location, overwrite = TRUE)
test_that("PELMO runs are correctly set up", {
# Prepare runs in analogy to the test archive
- PELMO_runs(runs, psm_dir = PELMO_base, execute = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
+ PELMO_runs(runs, psm_dir = PELMO_base, execute = FALSE, evaluate = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
# Check that input files are correctly generated in the right location
for (run in runs) {
psm <- run$psm
- # message(psm)
crops <- setdiff(names(run), "psm")
for (crop in crops) {
- # message(crop)
for (scenario in run[[crop]]) {
- # message(scenario)
pp <- PELMO_path(psm, crop, scenario)
input_new <- readLines(file.path(PELMO_base, "FOCUS", pp, "pelmo.inp"))
@@ -64,7 +57,7 @@ test_that("PELMO runs are correctly set up", {
test_that("PELMO runs can be run and give the expected result files", {
- run_PELMO(runs, cores = 5)
+ run_PELMO(runs, cores = 7)
plm_files <- c("CHEM.PLM", "ECHO.PLM",
@@ -75,9 +68,7 @@ test_that("PELMO runs can be run and give the expected result files", {
psm <- run$psm
crops <- setdiff(names(run), "psm")
for (crop in crops) {
- # message(crop)
for (scenario in run[[crop]]) {
- # message(scenario)
pp <- PELMO_path(psm, crop, scenario)
for (plm in plm_files) {
@@ -95,10 +86,57 @@ test_that("PELMO runs can be run and give the expected result files", {
test_that("PELMO runs are correctly evaluated", {
- evaluate_PELMO(runs, psm_dir = PELMO_base)
+ results <- evaluate_PELMO(runs)
+ # Check that if output is the same as in the test archive
+ for (run in runs) {
+ psm <- run$psm
+ crops <- setdiff(names(run), "psm")
+ for (crop in crops) {
+ for (scenario in run[[crop]]) {
+ pp <- PELMO_path(psm, crop, scenario)
+ period_file <- readLines(file.path(test_dir, pp, "period.plm"), encoding = "latin1")
+ result_lines <- grep("^\tResults for.*in the percolate at 1 m soil depth$", period_file)
+ acronyms <- gsub(".*\\((.*)\\).*", "\\1", period_file[result_lines])
+ names(result_lines) <- acronyms
+ results <- list()
+ for (acronym in acronyms) {
+ results[[acronym]] <- list()
+ conc_lines <- result_lines[acronym] + 5:24
+ tmp <- read.table(text = period_file[conc_lines], sep = "\t")
+ results[[acronym]]$periods <- data.frame(
+ period = as.integer(tmp$V2),
+ flux = tmp$V3,
+ percolate = tmp$V4,
+ conc = tmp$V5)
+ tmp80 <- read.table(text = period_file[result_lines[acronym] + 27], sep = "\t")
+ results[[acronym]]$focus <- tmp80[[1, "V5"]]
+ }
-# Clean up
+ period_pfm_file <- file.path(PELMO_base, "FOCUS", pp, "period_pfm.rda")
+ load(period_pfm_file)
+ # Test for equality of all the components separately,
+ # as we need to adapt the tolerance
+ for (acronym in acronyms) {
+ p_pelmo <- results[[acronym]]$periods
+ p_test <- results_pfm[[acronym]]$periods
+ expect_equal(p_test$flux, p_pelmo$flux, tol = 1e-6, scale = 1)
+ expect_equal(p_test$percolate, p_pelmo$percolate)
+ # PELMO sets the concentration to 0 when the percolate is zero.
+ # We get NaN, which is more reasonable, but we need to
+ # take this into account for testing
+ p_test$conc <- ifelse($conc), 0, p_test$conc)
+ expect_equal(p_test$conc, p_pelmo$conc, tol = 1e-3, scale = 1)
+ expect_equal(results_pfm[[acronym]]$focus, results[[acronym]]$focus,
+ tol = 1e-3, scale = 1)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }

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