path: root/R
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diff --git a/R/FOCUS_GW_scenarios_2012.R b/R/FOCUS_GW_scenarios_2012.R
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index 0000000..49cf7dd
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+++ b/R/FOCUS_GW_scenarios_2012.R
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+#' A very small subset of the FOCUS Groundwater scenario defitions
+#' Currently, only a small subset of the soil definitions are provided.
+#' @name FOCUS_GW_scenarios_2012
+#' @references FOCUS (2012) Generic guidance for Tier 1 FOCUS ground water assessments. Version 2.1.
+#' FOrum for the Co-ordination of pesticde fate models and their USe.
+#' @examples
+#' FOCUS_GW_scenarios_2012
diff --git a/R/GUS.R b/R/GUS.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a6532d
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+++ b/R/GUS.R
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+# Copyright (C) 2015 Johannes Ranke
+# Contact:
+# This file is part of the R package pfm
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program. If not, see <>
+#' Groundwater ubiquity score based on Gustafson (1989)
+#' The groundwater ubiquity score GUS is calculated according to
+#' the following equation
+#' \deqn{GUS = \log_{10} DT50_{soil} (4 - \log_{10} K_{oc})}{GUS = log10 DT50soil * (4 - log10 Koc)}
+#' @references Gustafson, David I. (1989) Groundwater ubiquity score: a simple
+#' method for assessing pesticide leachability. \emph{Environmental
+#' toxicology and chemistry} \bold{8}(4) 339–57.
+#' @inheritParams endpoint
+#' @param DT50 Half-life of the chemical in soil. Should be a field
+#' half-life according to Gustafson (1989). However, leaching to the sub-soil
+#' can not completely be excluded in field dissipation experiments and Gustafson
+#' did not refer to any normalisation procedure, but says the field study should
+#' be conducted under use conditions.
+#' @param Koc The sorption constant normalised to organic carbon. Gustafson
+#' does not mention the nonlinearity of the sorption constant commonly
+#' found and usually described by Freundlich sorption, therefore it is
+#' unclear at which reference concentration the Koc should be observed
+#' (and if the reference concentration would be in soil or in porewater).
+#' @param chent If a chent is given with appropriate information present in its
+#' chyaml field, this information is used, with defaults specified below.
+#' @param degradation_value Which of the available degradation values should
+#' be used?
+#' @param lab_field Should laboratory or field half-lives be used? This
+#' defaults to lab in this implementation, in order to avoid
+#' double-accounting for mobility. If comparability with the original GUS
+#' values given by Gustafson (1989) is desired, non-normalised first-order
+#' field half-lives obtained under actual use conditions should be used.
+#' @param redox Aerobic or anaerobic degradation data
+#' @param sorption_value Which of the available sorption values should be used?
+#' Defaults to Kfoc as this is what is generally available from the European
+#' pesticide peer review process. These values generally use a reference
+#' concentration of 1 mg/L in porewater, that means they would be expected to
+#' be Koc values at a concentration of 1 mg/L in the water phase.
+#' @param degradation_aggregator Function for aggregating half-lives
+#' @param sorption_aggregator Function for aggregation Koc values
+#' @param ... Included in the generic to allow for further arguments later. Therefore
+#' this also had to be added to the specific methods.
+#' @return A list with the DT50 and Koc used as well as the resulting score
+#' of class GUS_result
+#' @author Johannes Ranke
+#' @export
+GUS <- function(...) UseMethod("GUS")
+#' @rdname GUS
+#' @export
+GUS.numeric <- function(DT50, Koc, ...) {
+ score <- log10(DT50) * (4 - log10(Koc))
+ res <- list(DT50 = DT50, Koc = Koc, score = score)
+ class(res) <- "GUS_result"
+ return(res)
+#' @rdname GUS
+#' @export
+GUS.chent <- function(chent,
+ degradation_value = "DT50ref",
+ lab_field = "laboratory",
+ redox = "aerobic",
+ sorption_value = "Kfoc",
+ degradation_aggregator = geomean,
+ sorption_aggregator = geomean,
+ ...)
+ DT50 = soil_DT50(chent, lab_field = lab_field, redox = redox,
+ value = degradation_value,
+ aggregator = degradation_aggregator, signif = 5)
+ Koc = soil_Kfoc(chent, value = sorption_value,
+ aggregator = sorption_aggregator, signif = 5)
+ GUS.numeric(DT50, Koc)
+#' @rdname GUS
+#' @export
+#' @param x An object of class GUS_result to be printed
+#' @param digits The number of digits used in the print method
+print.GUS_result = function(x, ..., digits = 1) {
+ cat("GUS: ", round(x$score, digits = 1), "\n")
+ cat("calculated from DT50 ", x$DT50, " and Koc ", x$Koc, "\n")
diff --git a/R/PEC_soil.R b/R/PEC_soil.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0263e47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/PEC_soil.R
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Johannes Ranke
+# Contact:
+# This file is part of the R package pfm
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program. If not, see <>
+# Register global variables
+if(getRversion() >= '2.15.1') utils::globalVariables(c("destination", "study_type", "TP_identifier",
+ "soil_scenario_data_EFSA_2015"))
+#' Calculate predicted environmental concentrations in soil
+#' This is a basic calculation of a contaminant concentration in bulk soil
+#' based on complete, instantaneous mixing. If an interval is given, an
+#' attempt is made at calculating a long term maximum concentration using
+#' the concepts layed out for example in the PPR panel opinion (EFSA 2012).
+#' This assumes that the complete load to soil during the time specified by
+#' 'interval' (typically 365 days) is dosed at once. As in the PPR panel
+#' opinion cited below (PPR panel 2012), only temperature correction using the
+#' Arrhenius equation is performed.
+#' Total soil and porewater PEC values for the scenarios as defined in the EFSA
+#' guidance (2015, p. 13) can easily be calculated.
+#' @note If temperature information is available in the selected scenarios, as
+#' e.g. in the EFSA scenarios, the DT50 for groundwater modelling
+#' (destination 'PECgw') is taken from the chent object, otherwise the DT50
+#' with destination 'PECsoil'.
+#' @importFrom methods is
+#' @param rate Application rate in units specified below
+#' @param rate_units Defaults to g/ha
+#' @param interception The fraction of the application rate that does not reach the soil
+#' @param mixing_depth Mixing depth in cm
+#' @param interval Period of the deeper mixing, defaults to 365, which is a year if
+#' rate units are in days
+#' @param n_periods Number of periods to be considered for long term PEC calculations
+#' @param PEC_units Requested units for the calculated PEC. Only mg/kg currently supported
+#' @param PEC_pw_units Only mg/L currently supported
+#' @param tillage_depth Periodic (see interval) deeper mixing in cm
+#' @param chent An optional chent object holding substance specific information. Can
+#' also be a name for the substance as a character string
+#' @param DT50 If specified, overrides soil DT50 endpoints from a chent object
+#' If DT50 is not specified here and not available from the chent object, zero
+#' degradation is assumed
+#' @param Koc If specified, overrides Koc endpoints from a chent object
+#' @param Kom Calculated from Koc by default, but can explicitly be specified
+#' as Kom here
+#' @param t_avg Averaging times for time weighted average concentrations
+#' @param scenarios If this is 'default', the DT50 will be used without correction
+#' and soil properties as specified in the REACH guidance (R.16, Table
+#' R.16-9) are used for porewater PEC calculations. If this is "EFSA_2015",
+#' the DT50 is taken to be a modelling half-life at 20°C and pF2 (for when
+#' 'chents' is specified, the DegT50 with destination 'PECgw' will be used),
+#' and corrected using an Arrhenius activation energy of 65.4 kJ/mol. Also
+#' model and scenario adjustment factors from the EFSA guidance are used.
+#' @param porewater Should equilibrium porewater concentrations be estimated
+#' based on Kom and the organic carbon fraction of the soil instead of total
+#' soil concentrations? Based on equation (7) given in the PPR panel opinion
+#' (EFSA 2012, p. 24) and the scenarios specified in the EFSA guidance (2015,
+#' p. 13).
+#' @return The predicted concentration in soil
+#' @references EFSA Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues (2012)
+#' Scientific Opinion on the science behind the guidance for scenario
+#' selection and scenario parameterisation for predicting environmental
+#' concentrations of plant protection products in soil. \emph{EFSA Journal}
+#' \bold{10}(2) 2562, doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2012.2562
+#' EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) (2015) EFSA guidance document for
+#' predicting environmental concentrations of active substances of plant
+#' protection products and transformation products of these active substances
+#' in soil. \emph{EFSA Journal} \bold{13}(4) 4093
+#' doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2015.4093
+#' @author Johannes Ranke
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' PEC_soil(100, interception = 0.25)
+#' # This is example 1 starting at p. 79 of the EFSA guidance (2015)
+#' PEC_soil(1000, interval = 365, DT50 = 250, t_avg = c(0, 21),
+#' scenarios = "EFSA_2015")
+#' PEC_soil(1000, interval = 365, DT50 = 250, t_av = c(0, 21),
+#' Kom = 1000, scenarios = "EFSA_2015", porewater = TRUE)
+#' # The following is from example 4 starting at p. 85 of the EFSA guidance (2015)
+#' # Metabolite M2
+#' # Calculate total and porewater soil concentrations for tier 1 scenarios
+#' # Relative molar mass is 100/300, formation fraction is 0.7 * 1
+#' results_pfm <- PEC_soil(100/300 * 0.7 * 1 * 1000, interval = 365, DT50 = 250, t_avg = c(0, 21),
+#' scenarios = "EFSA_2015")
+#' results_pfm_pw <- PEC_soil(100/300 * 0.7 * 1000, interval = 365, DT50 = 250, t_av = c(0, 21),
+#' Kom = 100, scenarios = "EFSA_2015", porewater = TRUE)
+PEC_soil <- function(rate, rate_units = "g/ha", interception = 0,
+ mixing_depth = 5,
+ PEC_units = "mg/kg", PEC_pw_units = "mg/L",
+ interval = NA, n_periods = Inf,
+ tillage_depth = 20,
+ chent = NA,
+ DT50 = NA,
+ Koc = NA, Kom = Koc / 1.724,
+ t_avg = 0,
+ scenarios = c("default", "EFSA_2015"),
+ porewater = FALSE)
+ rate_to_soil = (1 - interception) * rate
+ rate_units = match.arg(rate_units)
+ PEC_units = match.arg(PEC_units)
+ scenarios = match.arg(scenarios)
+ sce <- switch(scenarios,
+ default = data.frame(rho = 1.5, T_arr = NA, theta_fc = 0.2, f_oc = 0.02,
+ f_sce = 1, f_mod = 1, row.names = "default"),
+ EFSA_2015 = if (porewater) soil_scenario_data_EFSA_2015[4:6, ]
+ else soil_scenario_data_EFSA_2015[1:3, ]
+ )
+ n_sce = nrow(sce)
+ soil_volume = 100 * 100 * (mixing_depth/100) # in m3
+ soil_mass = soil_volume * sce$rho * 1000 # in kg
+ # The following is C_T,ini from EFSA 2012, p. 22, but potentially with interception > 0
+ PEC_soil_ini = rate_to_soil * 1000 / soil_mass # in mg/kg
+ # Decide which DT50 to take, or set degradation to zero if no DT50 available
+ if ( & is(chent, "chent")) {
+ if (all($T_arr))) { # No temperature correction
+ DT50 <- subset(chent$soil_degradation_endpoints, destination == "PECsoil")$DT50
+ } else {
+ DT50 <- subset(chent$soil_degradation_endpoints, destination == "PECgw")$DT50
+ }
+ if (length(DT50) > 1) stop("More than one PECsoil DT50 in chent object")
+ if (length(DT50) == 0) DT50 <- Inf
+ }
+ k = log(2)/DT50
+ # Temperature correction of degradation (accumulation)
+ if (all($T_arr))) { # No temperature correction
+ f_T = 1
+ } else {
+ # Temperature correction as in EFSA 2012 p. 23
+ f_T = ifelse(sce$T_arr == 0,
+ 0,
+ exp(- (65.4 / 0.008314) * (1/(sce$T_arr + 273.15) - 1/293.15)))
+ }
+ # X is the fraction left after one period (EFSA guidance p. 23)
+ X = exp(- k * f_T * interval)
+ # f_accu is the fraction left after n periods (X + X^2 + ...)
+ f_accu = 0
+ if (! {
+ if (n_periods == Inf) {
+ f_accu = X/(1 - X)
+ } else {
+ for (i in 1:n_periods) {
+ f_accu = f_accu + X^i
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ f_tillage = mixing_depth / tillage_depth
+ PEC_background = f_accu * f_tillage * PEC_soil_ini
+ PEC_soil = (1 + f_accu * f_tillage) * PEC_soil_ini
+ # Get porewater PEC if requested
+ if (porewater) {
+ # If Kom is not specified, try to get K(f)oc
+ if ( {
+ # If Koc not specified, try to get K(f)oc from chent
+ if ( & is(chent, "chent")) {
+ Koc <- soil_Kfoc(chent)
+ }
+ Kom <- Koc / 1.724
+ }
+ if ( stop("No Kom information specified")
+ PEC_soil = PEC_soil/((sce$theta_fc/sce$rho) + sce$f_om * Kom)
+ }
+ # Scenario adjustment factors
+ PEC_soil_sce = PEC_soil * sce$f_sce
+ # Model adjustment factors
+ PEC_soil_sce_mod = PEC_soil_sce * sce$f_mod
+ result <- matrix(NA, ncol = n_sce, nrow = length(t_avg),
+ dimnames = list(t_avg = t_avg, scenario = rownames(sce)))
+ result[1, ] <- PEC_soil_sce_mod
+ for (i in seq_along(t_avg)) {
+ t_av_i <- t_avg[i]
+ if (t_av_i > 0) {
+ # Equation 10 from p. 24 (EFSA 2015)
+ result[i, ] <- PEC_soil_sce_mod/(t_av_i * f_T * k) * (1 - exp(- f_T * k * t_av_i))
+ }
+ }
+ return(result)
diff --git a/R/PEC_sw_drainage_UK.R b/R/PEC_sw_drainage_UK.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e53f179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/PEC_sw_drainage_UK.R
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Johannes Ranke
+# Contact:
+# This file is part of the R package pfm
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program. If not, see <>
+#' Calculate initial predicted environmental concentrations in surface water due to drainage using the UK method
+#' This implements the method specified in the UK data requirements handbook and was checked against the spreadsheet
+#' published on the CRC website
+#' @param rate Application rate in g/ha
+#' @param interception The fraction of the application rate that does not reach the soil
+#' @param Koc The sorption coefficient normalised to organic carbon in L/kg
+#' @param latest_application Latest application date, formatted as e.g. "01 July"
+#' @param soil_DT50 Soil degradation half-life, if SFO kinetics are to be used
+#' @param model The soil degradation model to be used. Either one of "FOMC",
+#' "DFOP", "HS", or "IORE", or an mkinmod object
+#' @param model_parms A named numeric vector containing the model parameters
+#' @return The predicted concentration in surface water in µg/L
+#' @export
+#' @author Johannes Ranke
+#' @examples
+#' PEC_sw_drainage_UK(150, Koc = 100)
+PEC_sw_drainage_UK <- function(rate, interception = 0, Koc,
+ latest_application = NULL, soil_DT50 = NULL,
+ model = NULL, model_parms = NULL)
+ percentage_lost <- SSLRC_mobility_classification(Koc)[[2]]
+ amount_available <- rate * (1 - interception) # g/ha
+ if (!missing(latest_application)) {
+ lct <- Sys.getlocale("LC_TIME")
+ tmp <- Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", "C")
+ latest <- as.Date(paste(latest_application, "1999"), "%d %b %Y")
+ tmp <- Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", lct)
+ degradation_time <- as.numeric(difftime(as.Date("1999-10-01"), units = "days", latest))
+ if (!missing(soil_DT50)) {
+ k = log(2)/soil_DT50
+ as.Date(paste(latest_application, "1999"), "%d %B %Y")
+ amount_available <- amount_available * exp(-k * degradation_time)
+ if (!missing(model)) stop("You already supplied a soil_DT50 value, implying SFO kinetics")
+ }
+ if (!missing(model)) {
+ fraction_left <- pfm_degradation(model, parms = model_parms,
+ times = degradation_time)[1, "parent"]
+ amount_available <- fraction_left * amount_available
+ }
+ }
+ volume = 130000 # L/ha
+ PEC = 1e6 * (percentage_lost/100) * amount_available / volume
+ return(PEC)
diff --git a/R/PEC_sw_drift.R b/R/PEC_sw_drift.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..261706c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/PEC_sw_drift.R
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Johannes Ranke
+# Contact:
+# This file is part of the R package pfm
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program. If not, see <>
+#' Calculate predicted environmental concentrations in surface water due to drift
+#' This is a basic, vectorised form of a simple calculation of a contaminant
+#' concentration in surface water based on complete, instantaneous mixing
+#' with input via spray drift.
+#' @param rate Application rate in units specified below
+#' @param applications Number of applications for selection of drift percentile
+#' @param drift_percentages Percentage drift values for which to calculate PECsw.
+#' 'drift_data' and 'distances' if not NULL.
+#' @param drift_data Source of drift percentage data
+#' @param crop Crop name (use German names for JKI data), defaults to "Ackerbau"
+#' @param distances The distances in m for which to get PEC values
+#' @param water_depth Depth of the water body in cm
+#' @param rate_units Defaults to g/ha
+#' @param PEC_units Requested units for the calculated PEC. Only µg/L currently supported
+#' @return The predicted concentration in surface water
+#' @export
+#' @author Johannes Ranke
+#' @examples
+#' PEC_sw_drift(100)
+PEC_sw_drift <- function(rate,
+ applications = 1,
+ water_depth = 30,
+ drift_percentages = NULL,
+ drift_data = "JKI",
+ crop = "Ackerbau",
+ distances = c(1, 5, 10, 20),
+ rate_units = "g/ha",
+ PEC_units = "\u00B5g/L")
+ rate_units <- match.arg(rate_units)
+ PEC_units <- match.arg(PEC_units)
+ drift_data <- match.arg(drift_data)
+ water_volume <- 100 * 100 * (water_depth/100) * 1000 # in L (for 1 ha)
+ PEC_sw_overspray <- rate * 1e6 / water_volume # in µg/L
+ dist_index <- as.character(distances)
+ if (is.null(drift_percentages)) {
+ drift_percentages <- pfm::drift_data_JKI[[applications]][dist_index, crop]
+ names(drift_percentages) <- paste(dist_index, "m")
+ } else {
+ names(drift_percentages) <- paste(drift_percentages, "%")
+ }
+ PEC_sw_drift <- PEC_sw_overspray * drift_percentages / 100
+ return(PEC_sw_drift)
diff --git a/R/PEC_sw_sed.R b/R/PEC_sw_sed.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4a3d6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/PEC_sw_sed.R
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Johannes Ranke
+# Contact:
+# This file is part of the R package pfm
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program. If not, see <>
+#' Calculate predicted environmental concentrations in sediment from surface
+#' water concentrations
+#' The method 'percentage' is equivalent to what is used in the CRD spreadsheet
+#' PEC calculator
+#' @param PEC_sw Numeric vector or matrix of surface water concentrations in µg/L for
+#' which the corresponding sediment concentration is to be estimated
+#' @param percentage The percentage in sediment, used for the percentage method
+#' @param method The method used for the calculation
+#' @param sediment_depth Depth of the sediment layer
+#' @param water_depth Depth of the water body in cm
+#' @param sediment_density The density of the sediment in L/kg (equivalent to
+#' g/cm3)
+#' @param PEC_sed_units The units of the estimated sediment PEC value
+#' @return The predicted concentration in sediment
+#' @export
+#' @author Johannes Ranke
+#' @examples
+#' PEC_sw_sed(PEC_sw_drift(100, distances = 1), percentage = 50)
+PEC_sw_sed <- function(PEC_sw, percentage = 100, method = "percentage",
+ sediment_depth = 5, water_depth = 30,
+ sediment_density = 1.3,
+ PEC_sed_units = c("\u00B5g/kg", "mg/kg"))
+ method = match.arg(method)
+ PEC_sed_units = match.arg(PEC_sed_units)
+ if (method == "percentage") {
+ PEC_sed = PEC_sw * (percentage/100) * (water_depth / sediment_depth) * (1 / sediment_density)
+ if (PEC_sed_units == "mg/kg") PEC_sed <- PEC_sed / 1000
+ }
+ return(PEC_sed)
diff --git a/R/SFO_actual_twa.R b/R/SFO_actual_twa.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7facb6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/SFO_actual_twa.R
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Johannes Ranke
+# Contact:
+# This file is part of the R package pfm
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program. If not, see <>
+#' Actual and maximum moving window time average concentrations for SFO kinetics
+#' @param DT50 The half-life.
+#' @param times The output times, and window sizes for time weighted average concentrations
+#' @export
+#' @author Johannes Ranke
+#' @source FOCUS (2014) Generic Guidance for Estimating Persistence and Degradation
+#' Kinetics from Environmental Fate Studies on Pesticides in EU Registratin, Version 1.1,
+#' 18 December 2014, p. 251
+#' @examples
+#' SFO_actual_twa(10)
+SFO_actual_twa <- function(DT50 = 1000, times = c(0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, 21, 28, 42, 50, 100))
+ k = log(2)/DT50
+ result <- data.frame(actual = 1 * exp(-k * times),
+ twa = (1 - exp(-k * times))/(k * times),
+ row.names = times)
+ return(result)
diff --git a/R/SSLRC_mobility_classification.R b/R/SSLRC_mobility_classification.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..deda5cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/SSLRC_mobility_classification.R
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Johannes Ranke
+# Contact:
+# This file is part of the R package pfm
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program. If not, see <>
+#' Determine the SSLRC mobility classification for a chemical substance from its Koc
+#' This implements the method specified in the UK data requirements handbook and was
+#' checked against the spreadsheet published on the CRC website
+#' @param Koc The sorption coefficient normalised to organic carbon in L/kg
+#' @return A list containing the classification and the percentage of the
+#' compound transported per 10 mm drain water
+#' @export
+#' @author Johannes Ranke
+#' @examples
+#' SSLRC_mobility_classification(100)
+SSLRC_mobility_classification <- function(Koc)
+ if (!is.numeric(Koc) | length(Koc) != 1) stop("Please give a single number")
+ result <- list("Non mobile", 0.01)
+ if (Koc < 4000) result <- list("Slightly mobile", 0.02)
+ if (Koc < 1000) result <- list("Slightly mobile", 0.5)
+ if (Koc < 500) result <- list("Moderately mobile", 0.7)
+ if (Koc < 75) result <- list("Mobile", 1.9)
+ if (Koc < 15) result <- list("Very mobile", 1.9)
+ names(result) <- c("Mobility classification",
+ "Percentage drained per mm of drain water")
+ return(result)
diff --git a/R/TOXSWA_cwa.R b/R/TOXSWA_cwa.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5ddce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/TOXSWA_cwa.R
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2014,2015,2016 Johannes Ranke
+# Contact:
+# This file is part of the R package pfm
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program. If not, see <>
+#' Read TOXSWA surface water concentrations
+#' Read TOXSWA hourly concentrations of a chemical substance in a specific
+#' segment of a TOXSWA surface water body. Per default, the data for the last
+#' segment are imported. As TOXSWA 4 reports the values at the end of the hour
+#' (ConLiqWatLayCur) in its summary file, we use this value as well instead
+#' of the hourly averages (ConLiqWatLay).
+#' @param filename The filename of the cwa file (TOXSWA 2.x.y or similar) or the
+#' out file (FOCUS TOXSWA 4, i.e. TOXSWA 4.4.2 or similar).
+#' @param basedir The path to the directory where the cwa file resides.
+#' @param zipfile Optional path to a zip file containing the cwa file.
+#' @param segment The segment for which the data should be read. Either "last", or
+#' the segment number.
+#' @param total Set this to TRUE in order to read total concentrations as well. This is
+#' only necessary for .out files as generated by TOXSWA 4.4.2 or similar, not for .cwa
+#' files. For .cwa files, the total concentration is always read as well.
+#' @param substance For TOXSWA 4 .out files, the default value "parent" leads
+#' to reading concentrations of the parent compound. Alternatively, the substance
+#' of interested can be selected by its code name.
+#' @param windows Numeric vector of width of moving windows in days, for calculating
+#' maximum time weighted average concentrations and areas under the curve.
+#' @param thresholds Numeric vector of threshold concentrations in µg/L for
+#' generating event statistics.
+#' @importFrom readr read_fwf fwf_empty
+#' @return An instance of an R6 object of class
+#' \code{\link{TOXSWA_cwa}}.
+#' @export
+#' @author Johannes Ranke
+#' @examples
+#' H_sw_D4_pond <- read.TOXSWA_cwa("00001p_pa.cwa",
+#' basedir = "SwashProjects/project_H_sw/TOXSWA",
+#' zipfile = system.file("testdata/",
+#' package = "pfm"))
+read.TOXSWA_cwa <- function(filename, basedir = ".", zipfile = NULL,
+ segment = "last", substance = "parent",
+ total = FALSE,
+ windows = NULL, thresholds = NULL)
+ if (!missing(filename)) {
+ cwa <- TOXSWA_cwa$new(filename, basedir, zipfile,
+ substance = substance, total = total)
+ if (!is.null(windows[1])) cwa$moving_windows(windows)
+ if (!is.null(thresholds[1])) cwa$get_events(thresholds)
+ invisible(cwa)
+ } else {
+ message("You need to specify a filename for the cwa file to be read")
+ }
+#' Plot TOXSWA surface water concentrations
+#' Plot TOXSWA hourly concentrations of a chemical substance in a specific
+#' segment of a TOXSWA surface water body.
+#' @import graphics
+#' @param x The TOXSWA_cwa object to be plotted.
+#' @param xlab,ylab Labels for x and y axis.
+#' @param time_column What should be used for the time axis. If "t_firstjan" is chosen,
+#' the time is given in days relative to the first of January in the first year.
+#' @param add Should we add to an existing plot?
+#' @param total Should the total concentration in water be plotted, including substance sorbed
+#' to suspended matter?
+#' @param LC_TIME Specification of the locale used to format dates
+#' @param ... Further arguments passed to \code{plot} if we are not adding to an existing plot
+#' @export
+#' @author Johannes Ranke
+#' @examples
+#' H_sw_D4_pond <- read.TOXSWA_cwa("00001p_pa.cwa",
+#' basedir = "SwashProjects/project_H_sw/TOXSWA",
+#' zipfile = system.file("testdata/",
+#' package = "pfm"))
+#' plot(H_sw_D4_pond)
+plot.TOXSWA_cwa <- function(x, time_column = c("datetime", "t", "t_firstjan", "t_rel_to_max"),
+ xlab = "default", ylab = "default",
+ add = FALSE,
+ total = FALSE, LC_TIME = "C", ...)
+ time_column = match.arg(time_column)
+ cwa_column = ifelse(total, "cwa_tot_mug_per_L", "cwa_mug_per_L")
+ lct <- Sys.getlocale("LC_TIME")
+ tmp <- Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", LC_TIME)
+ if (xlab == "default") {
+ xlab = switch(time_column,
+ datetime = "Time",
+ t = "Time [days]",
+ t_firstjan = "Time since first of January [days]",
+ t_rel_to_max = "Time relative to maximum concentration [days]")
+ }
+ if (ylab == "default") {
+ ylab = paste( ifelse(total, "Total concentration", "Concentration"), "[\u03bcg/L]")
+ }
+ if (add) {
+ lines(x$cwas[c(time_column, cwa_column)], xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
+ } else{
+ if (time_column == "datetime") {
+ plot(x$cwas$datetime, x$cwas[[cwa_column]], type = "l",
+ xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xaxt = "n", ...)
+ seq_x <- seq(min(x$cwas$datetime), max(x$cwas$datetime), by = "quarter")
+ axis(1, at = seq_x, labels = format(seq_x, "%b %Y"))
+ } else {
+ plot(x$cwas[c(time_column, cwa_column)], type = "l",
+ xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
+ }
+ }
+ tmp <- Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", lct)
+#' R6 class for holding TOXSWA cwa concentration data and associated statistics
+#' An R6 class for holding TOXSWA cwa concentration data and some associated statistics.
+#' Usually, an instance of this class will be generated by \code{\link{read.TOXSWA_cwa}}.
+#' @docType class
+#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
+#' @export
+#' @format An \code{\link{R6Class}} generator object.
+#' @field filename Length one character vector.
+#' @field basedir Length one character vector.
+#' @field segment Length one integer, specifying for which segment the cwa data were read.
+#' @field cwas Dataframe holding the concentrations.
+#' @field events List of dataframes holding the event statistics for each threshold.
+#' @field windows Matrix of maximum time weighted average concentrations (TWAC_max)
+#' and areas under the curve in µg/day * h (AUC_max_h) or µg/day * d (AUC_max_d)
+#' for the requested moving window sizes in days.
+#' @section Methods:
+#' \describe{
+#' \item{\code{get_events(threshold, total = FALSE)}}{
+#' Populate a datataframe with event information for the specified threshold value
+#' in µg/L. If \code{total = TRUE}, the total concentration including the amount
+#' adsorbed to suspended matter will be used. The resulting dataframe is stored in the
+#' \code{events} field of the object.
+#' }
+#' \item{\code{moving_windows(windows, total = FALSE)}}{
+#' Add to the \code{windows} field described above.
+#' Again, if \code{total = TRUE}, the total concentration including the amount
+#' adsorbed to suspended matter will be used.
+#' }
+#' }
+#' @examples
+#' H_sw_R1_stream <- read.TOXSWA_cwa("00003s_pa.cwa",
+#' basedir = "SwashProjects/project_H_sw/TOXSWA",
+#' zipfile = system.file("testdata/",
+#' package = "pfm"))
+#' H_sw_R1_stream$get_events(c(2, 10))
+#' H_sw_R1_stream$moving_windows(c(7, 21))
+#' print(H_sw_R1_stream)
+#' @keywords data
+TOXSWA_cwa <- R6Class("TOXSWA_cwa",
+ public = list(
+ filename = NULL,
+ basedir = NULL,
+ zipfile = NULL,
+ segment = NULL,
+ substance = NULL,
+ cwas = NULL,
+ windows = NULL,
+ events = list(),
+ initialize = function(filename, basedir, zipfile = NULL,
+ segment = "last", substance = "parent", total = FALSE) {
+ self$filename <- filename
+ self$basedir <- basedir
+ self$zipfile <- zipfile
+ if (!is.null(zipfile)) {
+ try(file_connection <- unz(zipfile, paste0(basedir, "/", filename)))
+ } else {
+ try(file_connection <- file(file.path(basedir, filename), "rt"))
+ }
+ if (grepl(".cwa$", filename)) {
+ # cwa file from FOCUS TOXSWA 3 (TOXSWA 2.x.y)
+ cwa_all_segments <- try(
+ read.table(file_connection,
+ sep = "", skip = 40,
+ encoding = "UTF-8",
+ colClasses = c("character", "numeric",
+ "integer", rep("numeric", 5)),
+ col.names = c("datetime", "t", "segment",
+ "xcd", "cwa_tot", "cwa", "Xss", "Xmp")))
+ if (is.null(zipfile)) close(file_connection) # only needed for files
+ if (!inherits(cwa_all_segments, "try-error")) {
+ available_segments = 1:max(cwa_all_segments$segment)
+ if (segment == "last") segment = max(available_segments)
+ if (!segment %in% available_segments) stop("Invalid segment specified")
+ self$segment <- segment
+ cwa <- subset(cwa_all_segments, segment == self$segment,
+ c("datetime", "t", "segment", "cwa", "cwa_tot"))
+ lct <- Sys.getlocale("LC_TIME"); Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", "C")
+ cwa$datetime <- strptime(cwa$datetime, "%d-%b-%Y-%H:%M")
+ Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", lct)
+ startyear = format(cwa$datetime[1], "%Y")
+ firstjan <- strptime(paste0(startyear, "-01-01"), "%Y-%m-%d")
+ cwa$t_firstjan <- as.numeric(difftime(cwa$datetime,
+ firstjan, units = "days"))
+ t_max = cwa[which.max(cwa$cwa), "t"]
+ cwa$t_rel_to_max = cwa$t - t_max
+ cwa$cwa_mug_per_L <- cwa$cwa * 1000
+ cwa$cwa_tot_mug_per_L <- cwa$cwa_tot * 1000
+ self$cwas <- cwa[c("datetime", "t", "t_firstjan",
+ "t_rel_to_max",
+ "cwa_mug_per_L",
+ "cwa_tot_mug_per_L")]
+ } else {
+ stop("Could not read ", filename)
+ }
+ } else {
+ # out file from FOCUS TOXSWA 4 (TOXSWA 4.4.2 or similar)
+ outfile <- try(readLines(file_connection))
+ close(file_connection) # only needed for files
+ if (inherits(outfile, "try-error")) {
+ stop("Could not read ", filename)
+ } else {
+ # Get the substance name(s)
+ sub_lines <- grep(".*0.000.*ConLiqWatLayCur_", outfile[1:50], value = TRUE)
+ substances <- gsub(".*ConLiqWatLayCur_(.*?) *[0-9].*", "\\1", sub_lines)
+ if (!substance %in% c("parent", substances)) {
+ stop("No data for substance ", substance, " present in the .out file.")
+ }
+ # Generate field name for the concentrations at end of hour for the
+ # substance of interest
+ if (substance == "parent") {
+ cwa_string = paste0("ConLiqWatLayCur_", substances[1])
+ } else {
+ cwa_string = paste0("ConLiqWatLayCur_", substance)
+ }
+ cwa_lines <- grep(cwa_string, outfile, value = TRUE)
+ cwa_all_segments <- read_fwf(paste(cwa_lines, collapse = "\n"),
+ fwf_empty(paste(tail(cwa_lines), collapse = "\n")))
+ # Append time "-00h00" to datetime in first row, as this is not (always?) present
+ # in the line ConLiqWatLayCur
+ if (nchar(cwa_all_segments[1, "X2"]) == 11) {
+ cwa_all_segments[1, "X2"] = paste0(cwa_all_segments[1, "X2"], "-00h00")
+ }
+ available_segments = 1:(ncol(cwa_all_segments) - 3)
+ if (segment == "last") segment = max(available_segments)
+ if (!segment %in% available_segments) stop("Invalid segment specified")
+ self$segment <- segment
+ cwa <- data.frame(
+ datetime = as.character(cwa_all_segments$X2),
+ t = cwa_all_segments$X1,
+ cwa = cwa_all_segments[[3 + segment]]
+ )
+ if (total) {
+ cwa_tot_lines <- outfile[grep("ConSysWatLay_", outfile)] # hourly total conc.
+ cwa_tot_all_segments <- read.table(text = cwa_lines)
+ cwa$cwa_tot = cwa_tot_all_segments[[3 + segment]]
+ }
+ lct <- Sys.getlocale("LC_TIME"); Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", "C")
+ cwa$datetime <- strptime(cwa$datetime, "%d-%b-%Y-%Hh%M")
+ Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", lct)
+ startyear = format(cwa$datetime[1], "%Y")
+ firstjan <- strptime(paste0(startyear, "-01-01"), "%Y-%m-%d")
+ cwa$t_firstjan <- as.numeric(difftime(cwa$datetime,
+ firstjan, units = "days"))
+ t_max = cwa[which.max(cwa$cwa), "t"]
+ cwa$t_rel_to_max = cwa$t - t_max
+ cwa$cwa_mug_per_L <- cwa$cwa * 1000
+ self$cwas <- cwa[c("datetime", "t", "t_firstjan",
+ "t_rel_to_max",
+ "cwa_mug_per_L")]
+ if (total) {
+ self$cwas$cwa_tot_mug_per_L <- cwa$cwa_tot * 1000
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ moving_windows = function(windows, total = FALSE) {
+ window_names = paste(windows, "days")
+ n = length(window_names)
+ self$windows <- data.frame(window = window_names,
+ max_TWAC = numeric(n),
+ max_AUC_h = numeric(n),
+ max_AUC_d = numeric(n))
+ if (missing(windows)) {
+ stop("You need to specify at least one moving window size in days")
+ }
+ cwa_column = ifelse(total, "cwa_tot_mug_per_L", "cwa_mug_per_L")
+ for (i in seq_along(windows)) {
+ window_size = windows[i]
+ filter_size = window_size * 24
+ max_TWAC = max(filter(self$cwas[cwa_column], rep(1/filter_size, filter_size),
+ "convolution"), na.rm = TRUE)
+ max_AUC_h = max_TWAC * filter_size
+ max_AUC_d = max_TWAC * window_size
+ self$windows[i, -1] = c(max_TWAC, max_AUC_h, max_AUC_d)
+ }
+ invisible(self)
+ },
+ get_events = function(thresholds, total = FALSE) {
+ if (missing(thresholds)) {
+ stop("You need to specify at least one threshold concentration in \u03bcg/L")
+ }
+ for (threshold in thresholds) {
+ events = data.frame(t_start = numeric(), cwa_max = numeric(),
+ duration = numeric(), pre_interval = numeric(),
+ AUC_h = numeric(), AUC_d = numeric())
+ cwa_column = ifelse(total, "cwa_tot_mug_per_L", "cwa_mug_per_L")
+ event_end = 0
+ event = FALSE
+ event_max = 0
+ event_nr = 0
+ n_rows = nrow(self$cwas)
+ for (i in 1:n_rows) {
+ cwa_cur = self$cwas[i, cwa_column]
+ if (event == FALSE) {
+ if (cwa_cur > threshold) {
+ event_start = self$cwas[i, "t"]
+ pre_interval = event_start - event_end
+ i_start = i
+ event = TRUE
+ event_max = cwa_cur
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (cwa_cur > event_max) event_max = cwa_cur
+ if (cwa_cur < threshold || i == n_rows) {
+ event_nr = event_nr + 1
+ i_end = i
+ if (i == n_rows) i_end = i
+ event_end = self$cwas[i_end, "t"]
+ event_length = event_end - event_start
+ event_cwas <- self$cwas[i_start:(i_end - 1), cwa_column]
+ event_AUC_h = sum(event_cwas)
+ event_AUC_d = event_AUC_h / 24
+ events[event_nr, ] = c(event_start, event_max, event_length,
+ pre_interval, event_AUC_h, event_AUC_d)
+ event = FALSE
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ self$events[[as.character(threshold)]] <- events
+ }
+ invisible(self)
+ },
+ print = function() {
+ cat("<TOXSWA_cwa> data from file", self$filename, "segment", self$segment, "\n")
+ print(head(self$cwas))
+ cat("Moving window analysis\n")
+ print(self$windows)
+ for (threshold in names(self$events)) {
+ cat("Event statistics for threshold", threshold, "\n")
+ if (nrow(self$events[[threshold]]) == 0) cat("No events found\n")
+ else print(self$events[[threshold]])
+ }
+ }
+ )
+# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 expandtab:
diff --git a/R/drift_data_JKI.R b/R/drift_data_JKI.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..888d3b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/drift_data_JKI.R
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#' Deposition from spray drift expressed as percent of the applied dose as
+#' published by the JKI
+#' Deposition from spray drift expressed as percent of the applied dose as
+#' published by the German Julius-Kühn Institute (JKI).
+#' The data were extracted from the spreadsheet cited below using the R code
+#' given in the example section. The spreadsheet is not included in the package
+#' as its licence is not clear.
+#' @name drift_data_JKI
+#' @docType data
+#' @format A list currently containing matrices with spray drift percentage
+#' data for field crops (Ackerbau), and Pome/stone fruit, early and late
+#' (Obstbau frueh, spaet).
+#' @source JKI (2010) Spreadsheet 'Tabelle der Abdrifteckwerte.xls', retrieved
+#' from
+#' on 2015-06-11
+#' @keywords datasets
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' # This is the code that was used to extract the data
+#' library(readxl)
+#' abdrift_path <- "inst/extdata/Tabelle der Abdrifteckwerte.xls"
+#' JKI_crops <- c("Ackerbau", "Obstbau frueh", "Obstbau spaet")
+#' names(JKI_crops) <- c("Field crops", "Pome/stone fruit, early", "Pome/stone fruit, late")
+#' drift_data_JKI <- list()
+#' for (n in 1:8) {
+#' drift_data_raw <- read_excel(abdrift_path, sheet = n + 1, skip = 2)
+#' drift_data <- as.matrix(drift_data_raw[1:9, 2:4])
+#' dimnames(drift_data) <- list(distance = as.integer(drift_data_raw[1:9, 1]),
+#' crop = JKI_crops)
+#' drift_data_JKI[[n]] <- drift_data
+#' }
+#' save(drift_data_JKI, file = "data/drift_data_JKI.RData")
+#' }
+#' # And this is the resulting data
+#' drift_data_JKI
diff --git a/R/endpoint.R b/R/endpoint.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56a314b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/endpoint.R
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+#' Retrieve endpoint information from the chyaml field of a chent object
+#' R6 class objects of class chent represent chemical entities
+#' and can hold a list of information loaded from a chemical yaml file in their
+#' chyaml field. Such information is extracted and optionally aggregated by
+#' this function.
+#' The functions \code{soil_*} are functions to extract soil specific endpoints.
+#' For the Freundlich exponent, the capital letter \code{N} is used in order to
+#' facilitate dealing with such data in R. In pesticide fate modelling, this
+#' exponent is often called 1/n.
+#' @export
+#' @param chent The chent object to get the information from
+#' @param medium The medium for which information is sought
+#' @param type The information type
+#' @param lab_field If not NA, do we want laboratory or field endpoints
+#' @param redox If not NA, are we looking for aerobic or anaerobic data
+#' @param value The name of the value we want. The list given in the
+#' usage section is not exclusive
+#' @param aggregator The aggregator function. Can be mean,
+#' \code{\link{geomean}}, or identity, for example.
+#' @param raw Should the number(s) be returned as stored in the chent
+#' object (could be a character value) to retain original information
+#' about precision?
+#' @param signif How many significant digits do we want
+#' @return The result from applying the aggregator function to
+#' the values converted to a numeric vector, rounded to the
+#' given number of significant digits, or, if raw = TRUE,
+#' the values as a character value, retaining any implicit
+#' information on precision that may be present.
+endpoint <- function(chent,
+ medium = "soil",
+ type = c("degradation", "sorption"),
+ lab_field = c(NA, "laboratory", "field"),
+ redox = c(NA, "aerobic", "anaerobic"),
+ value = c("DT50ref", "Kfoc", "N"),
+ aggregator = geomean,
+ raw = FALSE,
+ signif = 3)
+ if (!is(chent, "chent")) {
+ stop("Please supply a chent object as created using the package 'chents' available from")
+ }
+ ep_list <- chent$chyaml[[medium]][[type]]
+ if (![1])) {
+ ep_list <- ep_list[[lab_field]]
+ }
+ if (![1])) {
+ ep_list <- ep_list[[redox]]
+ }
+ values <- ep_list$data[[value]]
+ if (raw) return(values)
+ else return(signif(aggregator(as.numeric(values)), signif))
+#' @inheritParams endpoint
+#' @rdname endpoint
+#' @export
+soil_DT50 <- function(chent, aggregator = geomean, signif = 3,
+ lab_field = "laboratory", value = "DT50ref",
+ redox = "aerobic", raw = FALSE) {
+ ep <- endpoint(chent, medium = "soil", type = "degradation",
+ lab_field = "laboratory", redox = redox,
+ signif = signif,
+ value = value, aggregator = aggregator, raw = raw)
+ return(ep)
+#' @inheritParams endpoint
+#' @rdname endpoint
+#' @export
+soil_Kfoc <- function(chent, aggregator = geomean, signif = 3,
+ value = "Kfoc", raw = FALSE) {
+ ep <- endpoint(chent, medium = "soil", type = "sorption",
+ signif = signif,
+ value = value, aggregator = aggregator, raw = raw)
+ return(ep)
+#' @inheritParams endpoint
+#' @rdname endpoint
+#' @export
+soil_N <- function(chent, aggregator = mean, signif = 3, raw = FALSE) {
+ ep <- endpoint(chent, medium = "soil", type = "sorption",
+ signif = signif,
+ value = "N", aggregator = aggregator, raw = raw)
+ return(ep)
+#' @inheritParams endpoint
+#' @rdname endpoint
+#' @param values The values to be returned
+#' @param aggregators A named vector of aggregator functions to be used
+#' @export
+soil_sorption <- function(chent, values = c("Kfoc", "N"),
+ aggregators = c(Kfoc = geomean, Koc = geomean, N = mean),
+ signif = c(Kfoc = 3, N = 3),
+ raw = FALSE) {
+ res <- sapply(values,
+ function(x) {
+ endpoint(chent, medium = "soil", type = "sorption",
+ signif = signif[[x]],
+ value = x, aggregator = aggregators[[x]], raw = raw)
+ }
+ )
+ return(res)
diff --git a/R/geomean.R b/R/geomean.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..626829b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/geomean.R
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Johannes Ranke
+# Contact:
+# This file is part of the R package pfm
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program. If not, see <>
+#' Calculate the geometric mean
+#' Based on some posts in a thread on Stackoverflow
+#' \url{}
+#' This function checks for negative values, removes NA values per default and
+#' returns 0 if at least one element of the vector is 0.
+#' @param x Vector of numbers
+#' @param na.rm Should NA values be omitted?
+#' @return The geometric mean
+#' @export
+#' @author Johannes Ranke
+#' @examples
+#' geomean(c(1, 3, 9))
+#' geomean(c(1, 3, NA, 9))
+#' \dontrun{geomean(c(1, -3, 9)) # returns an error}
+geomean = function(x, na.rm = TRUE){
+ if (any( & na.rm == FALSE) stop("Removal of NA values was not requested")
+ if (any(x < 0, na.rm = na.rm)) stop("Only defined for positive numbers")
+ exp(mean(log(x), na.rm = na.rm))
diff --git a/R/pfm_degradation.R b/R/pfm_degradation.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c8610e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/pfm_degradation.R
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Johannes Ranke
+# Contact:
+# This file is part of the R package pfm
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program. If not, see <>
+#' Calculate a time course of relative concentrations based on an mkinmod model
+#' @import mkin
+#' @param model The degradation model to be used. Either a parent only model like
+#' 'SFO' or 'FOMC', or an mkinmod object
+#' @param DT50 The half-life. This is only used when simple exponential decline
+#' is calculated (SFO model).
+#' @param parms The parameters used for the degradation model
+#' @param years For how many years should the degradation be predicted?
+#' @param step_days What step size in days should the output have?
+#' @param times The output times
+#' @export
+#' @author Johannes Ranke
+#' @examples
+#' head(pfm_degradation("SFO", DT50 = 10))
+pfm_degradation <- function(model = "SFO", DT50 = 1000, parms = c(k_parent_sink = log(2)/DT50),
+ years = 1, step_days = 1,
+ times = seq(0, years * 365, by = step_days))
+ if (model %in% c("SFO", "FOMC", "DFOP", "HS", "IORE")) {
+ model <- mkinmod(parent = list(type = model))
+ }
+ initial_state = c(1, rep(0, length(model$diffs) - 1))
+ names(initial_state) <- names(model$diffs)
+ time_course <- mkinpredict(model, odeparms = parms,
+ odeini = initial_state,
+ outtimes = times,
+ solution_type = ifelse(length(model$spec) == 1,
+ "analytical", "deSolve"))
+ invisible(time_course)
diff --git a/R/soil_scenario_data_EFSA_2015.R b/R/soil_scenario_data_EFSA_2015.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb096bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/soil_scenario_data_EFSA_2015.R
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#' Properties of the predefined scenarios from the EFSA guidance from 2015
+#' Properties of the predefined scenarios used at Tier 1, Tier 2A and Tier 3A for the
+#' concentration in soil as given in the EFSA guidance (2015, p. 13/14). Also, the
+#' scenario and model adjustment factors from p. 15 and p. 17 are included.
+#' @name soil_scenario_data_EFSA_2015
+#' @docType data
+#' @format A data frame with one row for each scenario. Row names are the scenario codes,
+#' e.g. CTN for the Northern scenario for the total concentration in soil. Columns are
+#' mostly self-explanatory. \code{rho} is the dry bulk density of the top soil.
+#' @source EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) (2015)
+#' EFSA guidance document for predicting environmental concentrations
+#' of active substances of plant protection products and transformation products of these
+#' active substances in soil. \emph{EFSA Journal} \bold{13}(4) 4093
+#' doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2015.4093
+#' @keywords datasets
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' # This is the code that was used to define the data
+#' soil_scenario_data_EFSA_2015 <- data.frame(
+#' Zone = rep(c("North", "Central", "South"), 2),
+#' Country = c("Estonia", "Germany", "France", "Denmark", "Czech Republik", "Spain"),
+#' T_arit = c(4.7, 8.0, 11.0, 8.2, 9.1, 12.8),
+#' T_arr = c(7.0, 10.1, 12.3, 9.8, 11.2, 14.7),
+#' Texture = c("Coarse", "Coarse", "Medium fine", "Medium", "Medium", "Medium"),
+#' f_om = c(0.118, 0.086, 0.048, 0.023, 0.018, 0.011),
+#' theta_fc = c(0.244, 0.244, 0.385, 0.347, 0.347, 0.347),
+#' rho = c(0.95, 1.05, 1.22, 1.39, 1.43, 1.51),
+#' f_sce = c(3, 2, 2, 2, 1.5, 1.5),
+#' f_mod = c(2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4),
+#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
+#' row.names = c("CTN", "CTC", "CTS", "CLN", "CLC", "CLS")
+#' )
+#' save(soil_scenario_data_EFSA_2015, file = '../data/soil_scenario_data_EFSA_2015.RData')
+#' }
+#' # And this is the resulting dataframe
+#' soil_scenario_data_EFSA_2015

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