path: root/R
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4 files changed, 113 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/R/FOCUS_GW_scenarios_2012.R b/R/FOCUS_GW_scenarios_2012.R
index e26ea50..33c5293 100644
--- a/R/FOCUS_GW_scenarios_2012.R
+++ b/R/FOCUS_GW_scenarios_2012.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#' A very small subset of the FOCUS Groundwater scenario defitions
+#' A very small subset of the FOCUS Groundwater scenario definitions
#' Currently, only scenario names with acronyms and a small subset of the soil definitions are provided. The
#' soil definitions are from page 46ff. from FOCUS (2012).
diff --git a/R/FOCUS_Step_12_scenarios.R b/R/FOCUS_Step_12_scenarios.R
index cb0654a..f28f03d 100644
--- a/R/FOCUS_Step_12_scenarios.R
+++ b/R/FOCUS_Step_12_scenarios.R
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+# Register global variables
+if(getRversion() >= '2.15.1') utils::globalVariables("FOCUS_Step_12_scenarios")
#' Step 1/2 scenario data as distributed with the FOCUS Step 1/2 calculator
#' The data were extracted from the scenario.txt file using the R code shown below.
diff --git a/R/PEC_sw_focus.R b/R/PEC_sw_focus.R
index 5f3b3d2..21ed514 100644
--- a/R/PEC_sw_focus.R
+++ b/R/PEC_sw_focus.R
@@ -1,37 +1,75 @@
#' Calculate FOCUS Step 1 PEC surface water
-#' This is an attempt to reimplement the FOCUS Step 1 and 2 calculator authored
-#' by Michael Klein. The Step 1 and 2 scenario assumes an area ratio of 10:1
-#' between field and waterbody, and a water depth of 30 cm.
-#' I did not (yet) implement the TWA formulas for times later than day 1, as I
-#' did not understand them right away.
-#' Also, Step 2 is not implemented (yet).
+#' This is reimplementation of Step 1 of the FOCUS Step 1 and 2 calculator
+#' version 3.2, authored by Michael Klein. Note that results for multiple
+#' applications should be compared to the corresponding results for a
+#' single application. At current, this is not done automatically in
+#' this implementation.
+#' @importFrom utils read.table
+#' @references FOCUS (2014) Generic guidance for Surface Water Scenarios (version 1.4).
+#' FOrum for the Co-ordination of pesticde fate models and their USe.
+#' @references Website of the Steps 1 and 2 calculator at the Joint Research
+#' Center of the European Union:
+#' @note The formulas for input to the waterbody via runoff/drainage of the
+#' parent and subsequent formation of the metabolite in water is not
+#' documented in the model description coming with the calculator
+#' @note Step 2 is not implemented
#' @export
#' @param parent A list containing substance specific parameters
#' @param rate The application rate in g/ha. Overriden when
#' applications are given explicitly
#' @param n The number of applications
#' @param i The application interval
-#' @param applications A dataframe containing times and amounts of each application
-#' @param step At the moment, only Step 1 is implemented
+#' @param met A list containing metabolite specific parameters. If not NULL,
+#' the PEC is calculated for this compound, not the parent.
+#' @param f_drift The fraction of the application rate reaching the waterbody
+#' via drift. If NA, this is derived from the scenario name and the number
+#' of applications via the drift data defined by the
+#' \code{\link{FOCUS_Step_12_scenarios}}
+#' @param f_rd The fraction of the amount applied reaching the waterbody via
+#' runoff/drainage. At Step 1, it is assumed to be 10%, be it the
+#' parent or a metabolite
+#' @param scenario The name of the scenario. Must be one of the scenario
+#' names given in \code{\link{FOCUS_Step_12_scenarios}}
#' @examples
+#' # Parent only
#' dummy_1 <- chent_focus_sw(cwsat = 6000, DT50_ws = 6, Koc = 344.8)
#' PEC_sw_focus(dummy_1, 3000, f_drift = 0)
+#' # Metabolite
+#' new_dummy <- chent_focus_sw(mw = 250, Koc = 100)
+#' M1 <- chent_focus_sw(mw = 100, cwsat = 100, DT50_ws = 100, Koc = 50, max_ws = 0, max_soil = 0.5)
+#' PEC_sw_focus(new_dummy, 1000, scenario = "cereals, winter", met = M1)
PEC_sw_focus <- function(parent, rate, n = 1, i = NA,
- applications = data.frame(time = seq(0, 0 + n * i, length.out = n),
- amount = rate),
met = NULL,
- step = 1,
- f_drift = 0.02759, f_rd = 0.1)
+ f_drift = NA, f_rd = 0.1,
+ scenario = FOCUS_Step_12_scenarios$names)
+ if (n > 1 & stop("Please specify the interval i if n > 1")
+ if ( {
+ scenario = match.arg(scenario)
+ f_drift = FOCUS_Step_12_scenarios$drift[scenario, "1"] / 100
+ # For Step 2 we would/will select the reduced percentiles for multiple apps:
+ # if (n <= 8) {
+ # f_drift = FOCUS_Step_12_scenarios$drift[scenario, as.character(n)] / 100
+ # } else {
+ # f_drift = FOCUS_Step_12_scenarios$drift[scenario, ">8"] / 100
+ # }
+ }
if (is.null(met)) {
+ cwsat = parent$cwsat
mw_ratio = 1
max_soil = 1
max_ws = 1
Koc = parent$Koc
DT50_ws = parent$DT50_ws
} else {
+ cwsat = met$cwsat
mw_ratio = met$mw / parent$mw
max_soil = met$max_soil
max_ws = met$max_ws
@@ -41,17 +79,35 @@ PEC_sw_focus <- function(parent, rate, n = 1, i = NA,
# Rates for a single application
eq_rate_drift_s = mw_ratio * max_ws * rate
+ # Parent only, or metabolite formed in soil:
eq_rate_rd_s = mw_ratio * max_soil * rate
+ # Metabolite formed in water (this part is not documented in the Help files
+ # of the Steps 1/2 calculator):
+ if (!is.null(met)) {
+ eq_rate_rd_parent_s = mw_ratio * max_ws * rate
+ eq_rate_rd_s_tot = eq_rate_rd_s + eq_rate_rd_parent_s
+ } else {
+ eq_rate_rd_parent_s = NA
+ eq_rate_rd_s_tot = eq_rate_rd_s
+ }
# Drift input
input_drift_s = f_drift * eq_rate_drift_s / 10 # mg/m2
- input_drift = n * input_drift_s
# Runoff/drainage input
ratio_field_wb = 10 # 10 m2 of field for each m2 of the waterbody
- input_rd_s = f_rd * eq_rate_rd_s * ratio_field_wb / 10
+ input_rd_s = f_rd * eq_rate_rd_s_tot * ratio_field_wb / 10
input_rd = n * input_rd_s
+ # No accumulation between multiple applications if 3 * DT50 < i
+ if (n > 1 && (3 * DT50_ws < i)) {
+ input_drift = input_drift_s
+ input_rd = input_rd_s
+ } else {
+ input_drift = n * input_drift_s
+ input_rd = n * input_rd_s
+ }
# Fraction of compound entering the water phase via runoff/drainage
depth_sw = 0.3 # m
depth_sed = 0.05 # m
@@ -85,25 +141,41 @@ PEC_sw_focus <- function(parent, rate, n = 1, i = NA,
PEC["1", "TWAECsw"] = (PEC_sw_0 + PEC["1", "PECsw"]) / 2
PEC["1", "TWAECsed"] = (PEC_sed_0 + PEC["1", "PECsed"]) / 2
- list(eq_rate_drift_s = eq_rate_drift_s,
- eq_rate_rd_s = eq_rate_rd_s,
- input_drift_s = input_drift_s,
- input_rd_s = input_rd_s,
- f_rd_sw = f_rd_sw, f_rd_sed = f_rd_sed,
- PEC = PEC)
+ # Check if PEC_sw_max is above water solubility
+ PEC_sw_max = max(PEC[, "PECsw"])
+ if (PEC_sw_max > 1000 * cwsat) {
+ warning("The maximum PEC surface water exceeds the water solubility")
+ }
+ PEC_sed_max = max(PEC[, "PECsed"])
+ list(f_drift = f_drift,
+ eq_rate_drift_s = eq_rate_drift_s,
+ eq_rate_rd_s = eq_rate_rd_s,
+ eq_rate_rd_parent_s = eq_rate_rd_parent_s,
+ input_drift_s = input_drift_s,
+ input_rd_s = input_rd_s,
+ f_rd_sw = f_rd_sw, f_rd_sed = f_rd_sed,
+ PEC = PEC,
+ PEC_sw_max = PEC_sw_max,
+ PEC_sed_max = PEC_sed_max
+ )
-#' Create an chemical compound object for FOCUS Step 1 and 2 calculations
+#' Create a chemical compound object for FOCUS Step 1 calculations
#' @export
#' @param cwsat Water solubility in mg/L
#' @param DT50_ws Half-life in water/sediment systems in days
#' @param Koc Partition coefficient between organic carbon and water
#' in L/kg.
+#' @param mw Molar weight in g/mol
+#' @param max_soil Maximum observed fraction (dimensionless) in soil
+#' @param max_ws Maximum observed fraction (dimensionless) in water/sediment
+#' systems
#' @return A list with the substance specific properties
-chent_focus_sw <- function(Koc, DT50_ws, cwsat = 1000)
+chent_focus_sw <- function(Koc, DT50_ws = NA, cwsat = 1000, mw = NA, max_soil = 1, max_ws = 1)
- list(Koc = Koc, DT50_ws = DT50_ws, cwsat = cwsat)
+ list(Koc = Koc, DT50_ws = DT50_ws, cwsat = cwsat,
+ mw = mw, max_soil = max_soil, max_ws = max_ws)
diff --git a/R/PELMO_runs.R b/R/PELMO_runs.R
index 0f134e0..b152b4d 100644
--- a/R/PELMO_runs.R
+++ b/R/PELMO_runs.R
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#' Per default, the runs are not only set up but also executed with FOCUS
#' PELMO, the results are processed and returned. Currently, only FOCUS PELMO
#' as installed on Linux (or other Unix systems)
-#' using the \code{\link{install_PELMO}} from the \code{PELMO.installeR} package
+#' using the \code{install_PELMO} from the \code{PELMO.installeR} package
#' maintained on github is supported. In such installations, FOCUS PELMO is
#' installed into the package installation directory of \code{PELMO.installeR}
#' and run using \code{wine}.
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
#' PELMO test results \url{}
#' @export
#' @examples
+#' # At the moment I can not run the examples, as my wine installation is not working
+#' \dontrun{
#' # Reproduce the official test results for annual application of Pesticide D
#' # to winter cereals at the day before emergence
#' runs_1 <- list(
@@ -54,6 +56,7 @@
#' PECgw_2 <- PELMO_runs(runs_2, psm_dir = system.file("testdata", package = "pfm"),
#' cores = 3, overwrite = TRUE)
#' print(PECgw_2)
+#' }
PELMO_runs <- function(runs, psm_dir = ".", version = "5.5.3", PELMO_base = "auto",
execute = TRUE, cores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L),
evaluate = TRUE, overwrite = FALSE)
@@ -410,6 +413,9 @@ evaluate_PELMO <- function(runs, version = "5.5.3", PELMO_base = "auto")
#' Get the application interval in years from a psm file
+#' @param psm_file The path to the .psm file
+#' @param location_code The location code
get_interval <- function(psm_file, location_code) {
# How many years do we calculate (26, 46 or 66)?
psm <- readLines(psm_file, encoding = "latin1")
@@ -433,6 +439,9 @@ get_interval <- function(psm_file, location_code) {
#' Sum up values according to FOCUS periods
+#' @param annual The annual flux as obtained by \code{get_flux}
+#' @param interval The interval in years
sum_periods <- function(annual, interval) {
n_years <- switch(as.character(interval),
"1" = 26,
@@ -446,6 +455,8 @@ sum_periods <- function(annual, interval) {
#' Get the flux of a chemical out of the FOCUS layer from a CHEM*.PLM file
+#' @param chem_file The full path to a CHEM*.PLM file
get_flux <- function(chem_file) {
chem <- readLines(chem_file)
lowest_focus_comp_lines <- grep("^ . 21 ", chem, value = TRUE)

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