blob: 02aacabbd1434c1bf7a5a62c678fd47e33f021ba (
plain) (
# Author: Johannes Ranke <>
# Run with (requires sudo configuration on Debian)
# sudo -E ./
# Preconditions: - shell variables DIST and ARCH
# - pbuilder chroot set up (see README)
# - current R backport in /etc/apt/sources/list of pbuilder chroot
# - sid sources in /etc/apt/sources/list
# - ssed and cdbs installed (and maybe more)
# - Edit R version and the sed scripts below (don't forget
# distribution name) to the appropriate version of R
# - Set the R version
# R version against which the software is compiled
echo Distribution is $DIST
echo Architecture is $ARCH
text="Recompiled on $DIST for CRAN"
rbasedev="r-base-dev (>= $Rversion~$DIST$reposversion.0)"
# Update the Package listings of the host system
apt-get update
# Update the pbuilder chroot
pbuilder update
# When doing a new repository, lattice, r-cran-mass and survival have to be
# built first, then nlme and rmatrix, then the rest
# single package:
for i in r-cran-rjags; do
# squeeze/wheezy packages:
#for i in lattice nlme rmatrix mgcv boot cluster codetools foreign kernsmooth r-cran-class r-cran-coda r-cran-spatial r-cran-nnet r-cran-mass rodbc rpart survival littler rpy rpy2 rkward r-cran-rjags; do
apt-get source $i
cd $i-*
version=`dpkg-parsechangelog | grep ^Version | cut -f2 -d " "`~$DIST"cran."$Rversion
dch -b -v $version --force-distribution -D $DIST-$reposversion $text
ssed -i -R "/^Build-Depends/s/r-base-dev \(>= .*?\)/$rbasedev/" debian/control
ssed -i -R "/^Build-Depends-Indep/s/r-base-dev \(>= .*?\)/$rbasedev/" debian/control
dch -a "debian/control: adapt build dependencies on r-base-dev to current backport"
pdebuild --debbuildopts '-sa' --buildresult /home/ranke/svn/website/www/ranke/r-cran/$DIST-$reposversion/ -- --distribution $DIST --basetgz /var/cache/pbuilder/$DIST-$ARCH-base.tgz --aptcache /var/cache/pbuilder/$DIST-$ARCH/aptcache --buildplace /var/cache/pbuilder/$DIST-$ARCH/build
cd ..