path: root/backport_others
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
12 daysRemove support for buster in scriptsHEADmasterJohannes Ranke1-2/+2
2023-03-17Changes for 4.2.3, start bookwormJohannes Ranke1-2/+2
2020-04-25Changes for backports of R 4.0.0 to bullseye and busterJohannes Ranke1-4/+4
2019-04-29Discontinue jessie, support busterJohannes Ranke1-2/+2
2018-12-20Changes for R 3.5.2Johannes Ranke1-2/+2
2018-07-03Changes while backporting R 3.5.1Johannes Ranke1-2/+2
2018-04-24Changes for backporting R 3.5.0Johannes Ranke1-5/+7
2018-03-15Remove wheezy, terminate support for rjagsJohannes Ranke1-2/+2
2017-10-02Don't tighten build dependency, fix fresh reposJohannes Ranke1-3/+7
2017-07-21Reinclude rpy2, trailing whitespaceJohannes Ranke1-5/+5
2017-03-11Support stretch (testing) instead of wheezy (oldstable)Johannes Ranke1-5/+12
2017-03-09Update R version, source package name for littlerJohannes Ranke1-1/+1
2016-03-18Make two more scripts executableJohannes Ranke1-0/+0
2016-03-16Changes done for todays backport of R 3.2.4Johannes Ranke1-3/+3
2015-12-14Various improvementsranke1-1/+1
2015-12-14Go back to the full list of backported r-dependent packagesranke1-2/+1
2015-12-14Report usage on invalid options, don't use getopts in backport_othersranke1-9/+18
2015-12-14Fix and improvementsranke1-7/+7
2015-12-12New and simplified organisation of backporting scriptsranke1-0/+50

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