diff options
12 files changed, 161 insertions, 324 deletions
diff --git a/CRAN_backporting.txt b/CRAN_backporting.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 701b142..0000000
--- a/CRAN_backporting.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-- Linux system with X GB disk space
-- cdebootstrap, schroot installed
-- GPG key for signing packages
-1. Setting up the chroot environment for backporting
-The filesystem where you create the chroot needs to be mounted with exec and
-dev options, and you have to be root to do this:
- cdebootstrap -a i386 -f build lenny lenny32
-This will create a i386 chroot with essential software for building packages in
-the newly created directory "lenny32". Of course, if you are backporting for a
-different release, substitute its name for lenny, also in the following.
-2. Configuring your chroot for comfortable use with schroot
-Put an entry like this into your /etc/schroot/schroot.conf (mine
-is located on my external drive mounted on /exthd)
- [lenny32]
- description=Debian lenny i386 (etch32)
- location=/exthd/lenny32
- personality=linux32
- priority=3
- users=ranke
- groups=ranke,root
- root-groups=root
- aliases=lenny-ia32
- run-setup-scripts=true
- run-exec-scripts=true
-You can then login into your chroot (as root) with
- schroot -c lenny32
-install the editor of your choice (after updating the list of available
-packages e.g. by apt-get update), add security and sid sources to your
-/etc/apt/sources.list (in order to be able to backport from sid), add a user
-(e.g. after installing adduser), install and configure console-data for the
-keymap, install and configure locales, install subversion, devscripts (for
-editing changelogs with dch, pulls a lot of dependencies unfortunately) and
-patchutils (for interdiff).
-In order to build packages as a normal user, use su username to change to the
-user account you want to use, then
- svn co
-which will set up a couple of scripts and directories that I use for backporting.
-If you want to backport R, you can try
- apt-get build-dep r-base
-which would pull in everything you need for building r-base, if all build
-dependencies could be satisfied. This is unlikely, however, because then we
-would not have to backport...
-You also need you gpg key in your build environment. I achieved this by the
-following bind mount in /etc/fstab
- /home/ranke/.gnupg /exthd/lenny32/home/ranke/.gnupg noauto bind 0 0
-because I don't want my secret key on the USB drive.
-3. Backporting R
-Then go to directory r-base, edit the backporting script and try it with
- fakeroot sh
-You will probably have to install some more build dependencies that have been
-introduced in newer R versions.
-4. Backporting (compiling) recommended packages
-This is done in the parent directory, using the script
-You don't need fakeroot for this, because fakeroot is called in it where needed.
-You need to install an R backport in order to ensure compatibility and to satisfy build
-dependencies of recommended packages. You will also need cdbs for building the
-r-cran-* packages, unixodbc-dev for building r-cran-rodbc, and python-all-dev
-as well as python-numpy for building python-rpy.
-5. Building packages for another architecture with pbuilder
-I usually do backports for i386 in a permanent chroot. Then, when I build the
-packages for amd64 using pbuilder, I find missing build dependencies. The scripts
-I use for this are r-base/ and Of course, pbuilder
-has to be set up before...
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f9e82e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+This directory contains my scripts to build backports of R software from Debian
+sid to older Debian distributions.
+Currently (2009-07-06) I am using the following setup:
+/root/.pbuilderrc contains:
+ BASETGZ="`dirname $BASETGZ`/$NAME-base.tgz"
+ BUILDRESULT="/exthd/pbuilder/$NAME/result/"
+ APTCACHE="/exthd/pbuilder/$NAME/aptcache/"
+ OTHERMIRROR="deb $DIST/updates main|deb http://localhost/r-cran $DIST-cran/"
+This means on my external USB drive mounted under /exthd, I have the
+appropriate aptcache and buildresult directories setup under /exthd/pbuilder. I
+have four pbuilder images used for package creation under /var/cache/pbuilder:
+/var/cache/pbuilder/etch-amd64-base.tgz /var/cache/pbuilder/lenny-amd64-base.tgz
+/var/cache/pbuilder/etch-i386-base.tgz /var/cache/pbuilder/lenny-i386-base.tgz
+All of these have a standard Debian mirror and the security sources setup in
+their /etc/apt/sources.list, as well as my local http package source where the
+r-base package build results are available. I have also imported the apt key
+of my repository inside the pbuilder chroots.
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index e7e5602..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# Script to automate "backporting" of packages for Debian if the
-# only difference to the upstream packages is the signature.
-# Author: Johannes Ranke <>
-export DEBFULLNAME="Johannes Ranke"
-text="Recompiled on etch for CRAN"
-for i in rmatrix; do
-#for i in boot cluster codetools foreign kernsmooth lattice rmatrix mgcv nlme rodbc rpart survival vr littler; do
- cd $i
- rm -rf $i*
- rm *.deb
- apt-get source -t unstable $i
- cd $i-*
- version=`dpkg-parsechangelog | grep ^Version | cut -f2 -d " "`~etchcran.2.9.0
- dch -b -v $version -D etch-cran $text
- sed -i '/^Build-Depends/s/r-base-dev (>= 2\..\..)/r-base-dev (>= 2.9.0-1~etchcran.0)/' debian/control
- sed -i '/^Build-Depends-Indep/s/r-base-dev (>= 2\..\..)/r-base-dev (>= 2.9.0-1~etchcran.0)/' debian/control
- dch -a "debian/control: adapt build dependencies on r-base-dev to current backport"
- fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -sa
- cd ../..
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index b0608cd..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# Script to automate "backporting" of packages for Debian if the
-# only difference to the upstream packages is the signature.
-# Author: Johannes Ranke <>
-export DEBFULLNAME="Johannes Ranke"
-text="Recompiled on lenny for CRAN"
-for i in rmatrix; do
-#for i in boot cluster codetools foreign kernsmooth lattice mgcv nlme rmatrix rodbc rpart survival vr littler; do
- cd $i
- rm -rf $i*
- rm *.deb
- apt-get source -t unstable $i
- cd $i-*
- version=`dpkg-parsechangelog | grep ^Version | cut -f2 -d " "`~lennycran.2.9.0
- dch -b -v $version -D lenny-cran $text
- sed -i '/^Build-Depends/s/r-base-dev (>= 2\..\..)/r-base-dev (>= 2.9.0-1~lennycran.0)/' debian/control
- sed -i '/^Build-Depends-Indep/s/r-base-dev (>= 2\..\..)/r-base-dev (>= 2.9.0-1~lennycran.0)/' debian/control
- dch -a "debian/control: adapt build dependencies on r-base-dev to current backport"
- fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -sa
- cd ../..
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..837266d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Author: Johannes Ranke <>
+# Preconditions: - shell variables DIST and ARCH
+# - sid sources in /etc/apt/sources/list
+# - Edit the sed scripts below to adapt the build dependencies
+# to the appropriate version of r-base-dev
+# - Set the R version
+# R version against which the software is compiled
+echo Distribution is $DIST
+echo Architecture is $ARCH
+text="Recompiled on $DIST for CRAN"
+pbuilder update
+for i in boot cluster codetools foreign kernsmooth lattice mgcv nlme rmatrix rodbc rpart survival vr littler; do
+ apt-get source -t unstable $i
+ cd $i-*
+ version=`dpkg-parsechangelog | grep ^Version | cut -f2 -d " "`~$DIST"cran".$Rversion
+ dch -b -v $version -D $DIST-cran $text
+ sed -i '/^Build-Depends/s/r-base-dev (>= 2\..\..)/r-base-dev (>= 2.9.1-2~lennycran.0)/' debian/control
+ sed -i '/^Build-Depends-Indep/s/r-base-dev (>= 2\..\..)/r-base-dev (>= 2.9.1-2~lennycran.0)/' debian/control
+ dch -a "debian/control: adapt build dependencies on r-base-dev to current backport"
+ pdebuild --debbuildopts '-sa' --buildresult /home/ranke/svn/website/www/ranke/r-cran/$DIST-cran/ -- --distribution $DIST --basetgz /var/cache/pbuilder/$DIST-$ARCH-base.tgz --aptcache /exthd/pbuilder/$DIST-$ARCH/aptcache --buildplace /exthd/pbuilder/$DIST-$ARCH/build
+ cd ..
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c93f4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Script to automate backporting r-base for CRAN
+# Author: Johannes Ranke <>
+# Developed in parallel with Vincent Goulet <>
+# Preconditions: - shell variables DIST and ARCH
+# - sid sources in /etc/apt/sources/list
+export DEBEMAIL=""
+export DEBFULLNAME="Johannes Ranke"
+echo Distribution is $DIST
+echo Architecture is $ARCH
+if [ -d r-base-* ]
+ rm -rf `ls -d r-base-*`
+apt-get update
+apt-get source -t unstable r-base
+# Change any ~ in the name of the build directory for a - to avoid a
+# bug in texi2dvi. Thanks Vincent
+if [ -d r-base-*~* ]
+ dir=`ls -d r-base-*~*`
+ mv $dir `echo $dir | sed y/~/-/`
+cd r-base-*
+# Old version
+oldversion=`dpkg-parsechangelog | grep ^Version | cut -f2 -d " "`
+# Add new version to changelog
+dch -v "${cranversion}" -D $DIST-cran -b "Backport from Debian unstable to Debian $DIST"
+# Reverts for lenny:
+# None at this time
+pbuilder update
+pdebuild --debbuildopts '-sa' --buildresult /home/ranke/svn/website/www/ranke/r-cran/$DIST-cran/ -- --distribution $DIST --basetgz /var/cache/pbuilder/$DIST-$ARCH-base.tgz --aptcache /exthd/pbuilder/$DIST-$ARCH/aptcache --buildplace /exthd/pbuilder/$DIST-$ARCH/build
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ exit
+cd ..
+# Create diff to Debian unstable
+interdiff -z r-base_*.diff.gz /home/ranke/svn/website/www/ranke/r-cran/$DIST-cran/r-base_*cran*.diff.gz > /home/ranke/svn/website/www/ranke/r-cran/$DIST-cran/interdiff_to_debian_sid
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..350150a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Author: Johannes Ranke <>
+# Preconditions: - shell variables DIST and ARCH
+# - CRAN sources in /etc/apt/sources/list
+echo Distribution is $DIST
+echo Architecture is $ARCH
+apt-get update
+for i in cluster foreign kernsmooth lattice mgcv nlme rmatrix rodbc rpart survival vr littler; do
+ apt-get source -t $DIST-cran $i
+ cd $i-*
+ pdebuild --debbuildopts '-b' --buildresult /home/ranke/svn/website/www/ranke/r-cran/$DIST-cran/ -- --distribution $DIST --basetgz /var/cache/pbuilder/$DIST-$ARCH-base.tgz --aptcache /exthd/pbuilder/$DIST-$ARCH/aptcache --buildplace /exthd/pbuilder/$DIST-$ARCH/build
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f78ef50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Script to automate building r-base binaries for CRAN
+# Author: Johannes Ranke <>
+# Preconditions: - shell variables DIST and ARCH
+# - CRAN sources in /etc/apt/sources/list
+echo Distribution is $DIST
+echo Architecture is $ARCH
+apt-get update
+apt-get source -t $DIST-cran r-base
+cd r-base-*
+pbuilder update
+pdebuild --debbuildopts '-b' --buildresult /home/ranke/svn/website/www/ranke/r-cran/$DIST-cran/ -- --distribution $DIST --basetgz /var/cache/pbuilder/$DIST-$ARCH-base.tgz --aptcache /exthd/pbuilder/$DIST-$ARCH/aptcache --buildplace /exthd/pbuilder/$DIST-$ARCH/build
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ exit
+cd ..
diff --git a/ b/
index 577c377..e623912 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
rsync -avz \
--include "build_log*" \
--include "build_errors*" \
- --include "interdiff_to_debian_sid" \
- --include "r-base_*lennycran*.diff.gz" \
- --include "r-base_*lennycran*.dsc" \
+ --include "interdiff_to_debian_sid_$DIST" \
+ --include "r-base_*$DISTcran*.diff.gz" \
+ --include "r-base_*$DISTcran*.dsc" \
--include "*.deb" \
--exclude "*" \
r-base/ \
- ranke@chem:/home/ranke/svn/website/www/ranke/r-cran/lenny-cran
+ ranke@chem:/home/ranke/svn/website/www/ranke/r-cran/$DIST-cran
diff --git a/r-base/ b/r-base/
deleted file mode 100644
index c3fa215..0000000
--- a/r-base/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# Script to automate building of r-base and for Debian stable
-# This script should be run as root, in one way or another.
-# Author: Vincent Goulet <>
-# Modified for backporting to Debian stable by
-# Johannes Ranke <>
-export DEBEMAIL="Johannes Ranke <>"
-rm -rf r-base* r-base-core* r-mathlib*
-#apt-get update # needs real root privileges
-apt-get source -t unstable r-base
-cd r-base-*
-# Old version
-oldversion=`dpkg-parsechangelog | grep ^Version | cut -f2 -d " "`
-# Add new version to changelog
-dch -v "${cranversion}" -D lenny-cran -b "Backport from Debian unstable to Debian lenny"
-# Reverts for lenny:
-# Build package showing all messages and separating output to build and error logs
-(dpkg-buildpackage -tc | tee ../build_log_r-base_i386) 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | tee ../build_errors_r-base_i386
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- exit 1
-cd ..
-# Create diff to Debian unstable
-interdiff -z *.diff.gz > interdiff_to_debian_sid
-# Sign logs and interdiff
-for i in interdiff_to_debian_sid build_log_r-base_i386 build_errors_r-base_i386
- gpg --clearsign $i
- mv $i.asc $i
diff --git a/r-base/ b/r-base/
deleted file mode 100644
index 644edeb..0000000
--- a/r-base/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-# Script to automate building of r-base and r-recommended packages for
-# the Ubuntu release specified in file /etc/lsb-release. This script
-# should be run as root, in one way or another.
-# Author: Vincent Goulet <>
-# Modified for backporting to Debian etch by
-# Johannes Ranke <>
-export DEBEMAIL="Johannes Ranke <>"
-#rm -rf r-base* r-base-core* r-mathlib*
-#apt-get update
-apt-get source -t unstable r-base
-cd r-base-*
-# Old version
-oldversion=`dpkg-parsechangelog | grep ^Version | cut -f2 -d " "`
-# Add new version to changelog
-dch -v "${cranversion}" -D etch-cran -b "Backport form Debian unstable to Debian etch"
-# Reverts for etch:
-# 1. Starting with Debian packages for R 2.6.1-2, the build dependency
-# to 'refblas3-dev|atlas3-base-dev' is changed to 'libblas-dev' to
-# use the new gfortran-built BLAS libraries. From R 2.7.0, the
-# dependency is on 'libblas-dev | libatlas-base-dev' for
-# r-base-dev.
-sed -i '/^Build-Depends/s/libblas-dev/refblas3-dev|atlas3-base-dev/' debian/control
-sed -i '/^Depends/s/libblas-dev | libatlas-base-dev/refblas3-dev|atlas3-base-dev/' debian/control
-dch -a "debian/control: revert Build-Depends: to 'refblas3-dev|atlas3-base-dev' and Depends: to 'refblas3-dev|atlas3-base-dev' since etch does not have the new gfortran-built BLAS libraries"
-# 2. Starting with Debian packages for R 2.6.2, new build dependency
-# on liblapack-dev to switch back to using Debian's Lapack rather
-# than the version supplied by R. From R 2.7.0, the dependency is
-# on 'liblapack-dev (>= 3.1.1)' for r-base and 'liblapack-dev |
-# libatlas-base-dev' for r-base-dev.
-sed -i '/^Build-Depends/s/liblapack-dev (>= 3.1.1), //' debian/control
-sed -i '/^Depends/s/liblapack-dev | libatlas-base-dev, //' debian/control
- dch -a "debian/control: revert Build-Depends: and Depends: fields since we use the Lapack supplied with R"
- sed -i '/^lapack/{
-# jr 24 Apr 2008 Set to =no for Debian etch
-a\lapack = --with-lapack=no
-}' debian/rules
- dch -a "debian/rules: Accordingly, do not configure --with-lapack"
-# 3. Requirement for tk8.4 >= 8.4.16-2 introduced in r-base 2.6.0-4 to
-# circumvent a breakage with 8.4.16-1. The version in etch is 8.4.12-1etch2.
-rm debian/shlibs.local
-dch -a "delete debian/shlibs.local since the dependency on tk8.4 is not an issue for Debian etch"
-# 4. The TeX distribution in etch is tetex
-sed -i '/^Build-Depends/s/texlive-base, texlive-latex-base, texlive-generic-recommended, texlive-fonts-recommended, texlive-extra-utils, texlive-latex-recommended, texlive-latex-extra, texinfo, texi2html/tetex-bin, tetex-extra/' debian/control
-dch -a "debian/control: revert Build-Depends: to 'tetex-bin, tetex-extra' since etch does not have texlive"
-# 5. xauth is part of xbase-clients in etch
-sed -i '/^Build-Depends/s/xauth/xbase-clients/' debian/control
-dch -a "debian/control: replace xauth by xbase-clients in Build-Depends:"
-# 6. Tcl and TK are 8.4 on Debian etch
-sed -i '/^Build-Depends/s/ tcl8.5-dev/tcl8.4-dev/' debian/control
-sed -i '/^Build-Depends/s/ tk8.5-dev/tk8.4-dev/' debian/control
-dch -a "debian/control: revert build dependence for tcl/tk to 8.4"
-# 7. Openjdk is not in etch
-sed -i '/^Build-Depends/s/, openjdk-6-jdk \[!arm !hppa !kfreebsd-i386 !kfreebsd-amd64 !hurd-i386\]//' debian/control
-dch -a "debian/control: Remove build dependence on openjdk"
-# 8. R 2.9.0 wants debhelper >= 7.0.0, which is not in etch
-sed -i '/^Build-Depends/s/debhelper (>= 7.0.0)/debhelper/' debian/control
-dch -a "debian/control: revert Build-Depends: to 'debhelper' since etch has a version < 7.0.0"
-sed -i 's/dh_prep/dh_clean/g' debian/rules
-dch -a "debian/rules: revert dh_prep calls to dh_clean calls since the latter is not present in this release's version of 'debhelper'"
-echo 5 > debian/compat
-dch -a "debian/compat: revert 'debhelper' compatibility level to 5"
-# 9. R 2.9.0 wants ucf >= 3.0 which is not available in etch (2.0020)
-sed -i 's/ucf (>= 3.0)/ucf/' debian/control
-dch -a "debian/control: revert Depends: of r-base-core to 'ucf' since the version in etch is < 3.0"
-# Build package showing all messages and separating output to build and error logs
-(dpkg-buildpackage -tc | tee ../build_log_r-base_i386) 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | tee ../build_errors_r-base_i386
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- exit 1
-cd ..
-# Create diff to Debian unstable
-interdiff -z *.diff.gz > interdiff_to_debian_sid
-# Sign logs and interdiff
-for i in interdiff_to_debian_sid build_log_r-base_i386 build_errors_r-base_i386
- gpg --clearsign $i
- mv $i.asc $i
diff --git a/r-base/ b/r-base/
deleted file mode 100644
index 38a753c..0000000
--- a/r-base/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# Script to automate building of backported r-base packages for other Debian architectures
-# Author: Johannes Ranke <>
-apt-get source r-base
-cd r-base-*
-cd ..

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