path: root/man/PELMO_runs.Rd
blob: 71fe6effb2c6e8a323ab266f5ac53fbf4babf3b8 (plain) (tree)

% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/PELMO_runs.R
\title{Set up runs for FOCUS PELMO}
PELMO_runs(runs, psm_dir = ".", version = "5.5.3", PELMO_base = "auto",
  execute = TRUE, cores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L), evaluate = TRUE,
  overwrite = FALSE)
\item{runs}{A list of lists. Each inner lists has an element named 'psm'
that holds the psm string, and elements named using three letter crop acronyms,
as used in \code{\link{FOCUS_PELMO_crops}},
that hold character vectors of three letter scenario acronyms
as used in \code{\link{FOCUS_GW_scenarios_2012}}.}

\item{psm_dir}{The directory where the psm files are located}

\item{version}{The FOCUS PELMO version}

\item{PELMO_base}{Where the FOCUS PELMO installation is located}

\item{execute}{Should PELMO be executed directly?}

\item{cores}{The number of cores to execute PELMO runs in parallel}

\item{evaluate}{Should the results be returned?}

\item{overwrite}{Should an existing run directories be overwritten}
Per default, the runs are also executed with FOCUS PELMO, and the results are processed
and returned.

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