% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/endpoint.R
\title{Retrieve endpoint information from the chyaml field of a chent object}
endpoint(chent, medium = "soil", type = c("degradation", "sorption"),
lab_field = c(NA, "laboratory", "field"), redox = c(NA, "aerobic",
"anaerobic"), value = c("DT50ref", "Kfoc", "N"), aggregator = geomean,
raw = FALSE, signif = 3)
soil_DT50(chent, aggregator = geomean, signif = 3,
lab_field = "laboratory", value = "DT50ref", redox = "aerobic",
raw = FALSE)
soil_Kfoc(chent, aggregator = geomean, signif = 3, value = "Kfoc",
raw = FALSE)
soil_N(chent, aggregator = mean, signif = 3, raw = FALSE)
soil_sorption(chent, values = c("Kfoc", "N"), aggregators = c(Kfoc =
geomean, Koc = geomean, N = mean), signif = rep(3, length(values)),
raw = FALSE)
\item{chent}{The \code{\link{chent}} object to get the information from}
\item{medium}{The medium for which information is sought}
\item{type}{The information type}
\item{lab_field}{If not NA, do we want laboratory or field endpoints}
\item{redox}{If not NA, are we looking for aerobic or anaerobic data}
\item{value}{The name of the value we want. The list given in the
usage section is not exclusive}
\item{aggregator}{The aggregator function. Can be mean,
\code{\link{geomean}}, or identity, for example.}
\item{raw}{Should the number(s) be returned as stored in the chent
object (could be a character value) to retain original information
about precision?}
\item{signif}{How many significant digits do we want}
\item{values}{The values to be returned}
\item{aggregators}{A named vector of aggregator functions to be used}
The result from applying the aggregator function to
the values converted to a numeric vector, rounded to the
given number of significant digits, or, if raw = TRUE,
the values as a character value, retaining any implicit
information on precision that may be present.
R6 class objects of class \code{\link{chent}} represent chemical entities
and can hold a list of information loaded from a chemical yaml file in their
chyaml field. Such information is extracted and optionally aggregated by
this function.
The functions \code{soil_*} are functions to extract soil specific endpoints.
For the Freundlich exponent, the capital letter \code{N} is used in order to
facilitate dealing with such data in R. In pesticide fate modelling, this
exponent is often called 1/n.